Anyway, it took almost 9 hours in the car to get to my Nana and Papa's house. I chilled in my ride at the beginning of the trip:
Toadstool seemed to like her comfy bed in the car:
Once we FINALLY got there, I made sure to stick close to my Papa. He likes to give me snacks on the sly when my Nana isn't looking. See that I'm almost camouflaged on the floor? That didn't fool my Nana. My drool drips left a trail and gave me away every time.
Toadstool stole MY BED, so I was forced to fraternize with her in order sleep in comfort. Take a hard look again and notice how she is sleeping on MY PILLOW, leaving me no place to put my head. I had to curl up in a ball just to fit! Sheesh...
We had a nice visit from Mom's Mom. She gave us tasty treats and even got Toadstool to sit up for her!
These were really tasty goodies, so I blessed everyone with a droolsicle:
Toadstool got some cuddle time on Mom's Mom's lap. Don't tell her, but she looks like she even enjoyed it a little!
Mom and Dad broke up the long car trip on the way home by stopping in Little Rock. Our hotel was dog-friendly. They clearly knew I was coming because they gave us a suite with a sofa!
When we got ready for bed, Mom and Dad gave us some seriously good noms. Cow hooves with the skin still on! Mom said this was the grossest thing she had ever seen, but that just proves how uncultured she is.
nom nom nom
When we made it back to the 'hood, our house didn't have power because of some icy weather. My cats were really ticked off because it was 54 degrees in the house! The power wasn't out for very long, so I think they were being a little over dramatic. They do want me to give a shout-out to Steve for being a stand-in servant while we were gone.
That's it for our adventures in the frozen north!
1 comment:
OMG! Too gross-don't tell Penny, Smith, or Bonita those exist. We told them there were no more cows to get hooves from b/c their mom couldn't stand the smell. Ick! By the way, I might need some dog-whispering advice. Penny bit Bennett. I'm not too worried at this point, but I might be in the future if this type of thing happens again. And I thought we had this whole baby/dog thing under control.
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