Saturday, November 13

Posting Again

It’s nice to have only four siblings; really my mom and dad are crazy. For the last month at least, we’ve had a very full house. Up to seven dogs and of course Sydney, the evil cat overlord that we all pay homage to. If you’re counting that’s eight animals, plus two uprights. Of course Harley and Lucy remain with our family but my spot on the sofa has definitely been occupied a little more than I’ve wanted. Today was an adoption day and two of my three brethren have moved out. So here’s some pictures and stories of recent temporary family members.

Winston. Dad upright really liked this guy. He would just lounge on the sofa. Fortunately it wasn't my sofa or there would have been a rumble in the hood.

Like I said, lots of housemates. And those pesky neighborhood cats keep coming by. Fortunately for them, this window breaks before I can get to them. Eventually I’ll get a running start and I WILL get my cat. The uprights should just put in a dog door, they’ve already replaced three panes of glass.

Peggy. The discomfort I put up with! Sheesh. It's only 'cause Peggy was a sweet soul. I wouldn't have done this for anyone else.

Trinity. A great friend. And she inspired mom upright to make sure here shoes were away!

Thursday, April 15

Bunny, Breakfast of Champions

Mom here... Zeus is busted and is grounded from writing on the blog. Here are the details of his crime:

I was eating dinner last night on the patio of a restaurant and Zeus was lying next to me in his usual relaxed position. My friends pointed out that a bunny was hiding in a bush near the patio. The bunny got closer and closer until it was just a few feet away from Zeus. At this point, Zeus smelled him and sat up. All attempts to get Zeus to take his eyes off the bunny were in vain. The bunny just sat there and stared at Zeus, then moved even closer! At this point, Zeus was quivering and starting to whine while I was putting my napkin away so I could get up and redirect him with a little heeling work. All of a sudden, a little girl comes running down the sidewalk and scared the bunny. It took a huge leap away from the girl which, unfortunately, was right towards Zeus. You could almost hear the little bunny say "Yikes" before it scrambled off in another direction. Everyone at our table yelped "eek" at the same time and I was having visions of Zeus eating a bunny appetizer.

Thankfully, Zeus recovered quicker than we did. I yanked his leash and yelled "SIT". He planted his butt down on the ground and stared at me. Everyone on the patio startled a little when I yelled, but at least we didn't all get to see the "circle of life" in action.