Sunday, January 25

Bittersweet Dog Tricks

Z-Dog Here,

I've really enjoyed having most of my foster brothers and sisters live in our house (except the ones that steal my bed - or worse - pee on it). We've had a lot of adventures and I always like the extra paws on squirrel patrol. Something, however, has been bugging me a bit. Some of our foster guests come with more manners than others. Consider our beautiful Delilah:

She was turned in as a stray to the Fort Worth Animal Shelter. As I mentioned in an earlier post, she was nasty dirty and covered in mats. Mom even pulled a wire out of her beard that had become snarled in a mat. The thing is, she knows how to sit. Mom plays this game with treats - whichever dog sits first gets the first treat. She wins every time! Sometimes her rear end hits the floor so fast it makes a thump.

So here's what's bugging me: Why would a human teach a nice dog like Delilah how to sit and then let her end up in a shelter matted, dirty, and on the euthanasia list? Maybe she got away from her humans and got lost. It could have been totally innocent - one of those twists of fate that indiscriminately sweeps people and dogs into bad situations. It just seems like we get a lot of dogs at our house who have better than average manners. More than could be explained away by coincidence. It makes my Mom really sad to see them sit so nicely - knowing that someone taught them that trick in their former life. I told her that us dogs don't really dwell on the past. That's why there are no doggie therapists. Still, I do wonder a little what has happened to some of these dogs before they come to live with us. I'm happy to share my toys, treats, and spare beds with them.



Thursday, January 22

Introducing Dalilah - Bearded Collie / Lhasa Apso Mix

Z-Dog Here.

I would like to introduce my new foster sis, Dalilah. She is the 5th dog in the house right now, so it's a little crowded. She's really nice, though. She doesn't steal my bed and shares her toys. Actually, since she likes to sleep under the coffee table, she's really never in my way at all.

She has one blue eye and one brown. How cool is that?!?

Mom and Dad went to pick up Dalilah at the Fort Worth Animal Shelter. She was really stinky and filthy when they brought her home. She was really glad to get out of that shelter. It was noisy and smelly and full of dogs that were a "bad influence". We had to get her away from there and bring her into our pack as soon as possible so she didn't get lured to the dark side.

Mom gave her TWO baths the next day. Frankly, I'm shocked that she didn't die from over exposure to dog shampoo. Then, Mom took her to Downtown Dog for a makeover Spaw day.

Here's her before pic (she was number 323):

Here's her after pic:

She is really smart. Mom assigned her the top bunk in the crate area and she learned to jump up in there with just two treats! She stays really quiet and goes to sleep quickly after she's tucked in. She's definitely housetrained because she hasn't had a single accident. She's not really an outdoors girl, though. She pretends to want to go out and do squirrel patrol with us, but then she turns back around and wants to go inside. I think she's addicted to belly rubs.

Paws crossed that her furever home comes soon!


Lucy Got A Makeover!

Hi Friends, Lucy here...

Zeus finally moved his rear end away from the computer so I could have some blogging time. I went to Downtown Dog and got a Spaw day! I was a little scared (okay, okay REALLY scared), but Ms. Gwen was so nice! She was very apologetic when she pulled the nasty hair out of my ears and shaved my rear end. She talked to me the whole time in this very soothing voice. It was kind of like going to the dentist. Really scary when you're there, but not so terrifying in hindsight.

I got a blueberry facial shampoo that make me a little more relaxed in the tub. For most dogs, the blueberry facial makes them totally relaxed. For me, it was more like taking 1/2 a Valium. Ms. Gwen says that once I relax enough to realize the bath isn't scary, that I'll really like it. I wouldn't put money on that bet, Ms. Gwen. You're good, but I have my Toadstool street cred to maintain.

Here's my before:

Here's my after:

The Chug-Meister is Back!

Hey everyone. I would like to announce that Chug has re-joined our pack. His new family decided that they couldn't keep him. They said he pooped in their house. He's been back here for a little bit and we haven't had any problems. Maybe he's one of those stealth poopers.

We went to Downtown Dog today and had a BLAST! Mom is going to work for them for a little while and boy am I happy. This is doggie nirvana! It's not very far from our house and I get to play outside all the time - not like that stinky Pete & Mac's where they put me in a cage for 4 hours a day. They have big outdoor areas that take up an entire ACRE!

Chug has lots of energy. I don't remember him being this frantic, but Mom says that changing homes a lot probably has something to do with it.

Truman didn't like Chug when he first came back to our house. Probably because Chug has the speed and dexterity of a cement truck with a flat tire... After a couple of days, Truman started to play with Chug and now they are good friends. Truman plays this weird version of the bitey-face game where he hops around and then wants Chug to chew on his face.
Chug opens his mouth, Truman sticks his whole head in and Chug just noms away. Wierdos.



Meet Truman! The Tripawd Wonder

Hey guys. Sorry it's taken me so long to post. My Mom has been keeping me pretty busy lately and I haven't had any computer time!

I would like to introduce you to my new foster bro, Truman!

He is a Chi-weenie (a blend of Chihuahua and Dachshund). His front right leg was born underformed, so he doesn't use it. Hasn't slowed him down a bit, though.

He really likes running around the house with Lucy's toad toy (which is about twice as big as him). He also runs to the lookout point at the back of the yard with me and Lucy when we do our 17 squirrel patrols a day. In fact, Mom is having a hard time keeping him out of trouble. He jumps up onto the sofa, jumps up onto the bed, jumps up on Mom's desk. And then after all that jumping up, there's the jumping down. Oh, and he's also learned how to go out the cat door to the garage to eat cat treats out of the litter box. I tried to go out there with him and got in REALLY big trouble with Dad. Dad yelled at me, but says he is still trying to figure out how I fit through that tiny door.

Truman says "Live Long and Prosper" (or Hook 'Em Horns if you aren't a trekkie)



Friday, January 16

Spotted Tongue Bliss

Mom wants me to announce that she's started a blog called "Spotted Tongue Bliss" to spotlight all those beautiful polka-dot tongued dogs we meet.  Oh, and she might want to use it to vent a little about animal (and people) issues in general. 

Monday, January 5

Trip to Nana and Papa's House

We just got back today from a loooooonnnngggg trip in the car to the frozen north (some place called "Arkansas"). Actually, I was a little disappointed. Mom promised cold weather, but it was 75 degrees on Friday and Saturday. I reset my expectations, though, and proceeded to do squirrel patrol in my Nana and Papa's backyard. Even better - they have little rabbits here too. I almost caught one last June and I was hoping for a re-match, but it looks like I scared him off for good.

Anyway, it took almost 9 hours in the car to get to my Nana and Papa's house. I chilled in my ride at the beginning of the trip:

... but somewhere around Texarkana I got REALLY bored:

Toadstool seemed to like her comfy bed in the car:

Once we FINALLY got there, I made sure to stick close to my Papa. He likes to give me snacks on the sly when my Nana isn't looking. See that I'm almost camouflaged on the floor? That didn't fool my Nana. My drool drips left a trail and gave me away every time.

Toadstool stole MY BED, so I was forced to fraternize with her in order sleep in comfort. Take a hard look again and notice how she is sleeping on MY PILLOW, leaving me no place to put my head. I had to curl up in a ball just to fit! Sheesh...

We had a nice visit from Mom's Mom. She gave us tasty treats and even got Toadstool to sit up for her!

These were really tasty goodies, so I blessed everyone with a droolsicle:

Toadstool got some cuddle time on Mom's Mom's lap. Don't tell her, but she looks like she even enjoyed it a little!

Mom and Dad broke up the long car trip on the way home by stopping in Little Rock. Our hotel was dog-friendly. They clearly knew I was coming because they gave us a suite with a sofa!

When we got ready for bed, Mom and Dad gave us some seriously good noms. Cow hooves with the skin still on! Mom said this was the grossest thing she had ever seen, but that just proves how uncultured she is.

nom nom nom

When we made it back to the 'hood, our house didn't have power because of some icy weather. My cats were really ticked off because it was 54 degrees in the house! The power wasn't out for very long, so I think they were being a little over dramatic. They do want me to give a shout-out to Steve for being a stand-in servant while we were gone.

That's it for our adventures in the frozen north!